Michelle Malkin has published an article on her site outlining how big the National TEA Party is likely to be on April 15th. Take a look:
We are nine days away from the nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protest. Participation is beyond the wildest expectations of any of the grass-roots organizers who helped get this movement started. Just a reminder round-up of all the links you need to find a tea party near you:
Tax Day Tea Party
TCOT Report
Smart Girl Politics
Check out the full list of TDTP sponsors and supporting organizations here. Get some Tax Day Tea Party gear here. Track #teaparty tweeters here.
You can watch a Tax Day Tea Party coalition broadcast here.
God Bless American. I feel good about the
tea party. I was at a rally the 15th and
will be there everytime we have one in tennessee. Also, will bring everyone I can.
Posted by: Claudine Drueke | April 17, 2009 at 03:32 PM